Just to give you, the readers of The Bloodstone Reckoning, an update on where book 2 stands. The title is tentatively Champion of the Light. I am currently about 2/3rds done with the book but that’s just the first draft. Basically I have written the beginning and the end 😀 and a lot in the middle but that is really what I am working on at the moment. The middle is the hardest part, you don’t want it to be stale, you know?
You, as the reader, (and I as well) want action in the middle. And so that is where I am at. I will include a snippet for your reading pleasure though. 🙂
Here we go!
“Do not be afraid,” the cat cooed. “All will be well, just let go.”
Tabitha shook her head. “No.”
“Stubbornness. We will break later rather than sooner but we cannot stop it now.”
Tabitha reached out to grab the cat, to strangle it, kill it and make it go away but it disappeared.
Its voice sounded beside her to the right. “You cannot destroy me, I am you.”
“No you are not. I am…” Tears fell as she tried to remember her name. “I am Ta-bitha,” she stammered as her own name came to her.
“You do not have to be.”
“Tabitha, Papa, Macon, Emeric, Wulfbyre.” She closed her eyes and concentrated on those names, rocking back and forth. “I am Tabitha, I am Tabitha.”
The cat paced around her. “This is futile. Though I would be happier if I just let go and accepted my new power and my new station in life. I am a god now.”
“No, I am not,” Tabitha screamed. “I should not sleep. I will not sleep. Tabitha, Papa, Macon, Emeric, Wulfbyre.” She stood and began walking the inside of the old keep. Each step a deliberate, shaking, effort.
“You have not eaten, you have drank nothing and you have not slept. Exhaustion will take us soon and you will sleep.”
Obliterate, seared in her mind as she aimed her outstretched hand at the cat.
A black bolt left her fingertips and slammed into the waiting animal. It shimmered and disappeared.
Tabitha slumped against the stone wall taking quick shallow breaths. What was that?
Yellow eyes appeared, and then the cat stalked out of the darkness. “Did you really think that would work? You cannot kill yourself. I told you. I am you.”
If you enjoyed the snippet, let me know by commenting below. I’ll be back with more updates and I have a short story I have written that happens in the land that Baba is from.
Michael Wigington
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I love “bloodstone reckoning” and look forward to book 2. I love the characters. Thank you for the preview
Thank you, Kelley!