It’s Fall

It’s Fall

It’s fall. It is that time of the year where it gets darker every day until the Winter Solstice. I feel it coming every August, despite the Texas heat. Just the word August evokes that feeling in me that says “Fall is on the way and it’s the dark time again.” And For...
Writing Is Easy

Writing Is Easy

Writing is easy, they say. You open a vein and bleed. But how easy is it? It seems to come easy for some. But what about those of us introverts who have so much to say and yet, to put yourself out there makes you break out in a cold sweat and have heart palpitations....


We want them to be invincible I was watching an episode of The Ranch, (it’s hilarious and on Netflix if you want to watch it) and there is a scene where the dad is talking to one of his sons while they are outside, and he’s been splitting wood. They are talking and...
Mythology in our everyday lives

Mythology in our everyday lives

We as people often go about our days waking up and grabbing some coffee (if you drink that sort of thing. Hot tea is better) and bustling about our business. Occasionally, we quip “It’s Monday! Ugh!” or “TGIF!” Do we consider there is mythology behind these names and...
The Lowly Skeleton

The Lowly Skeleton

The lowly skeleton, a trope for all time. Halloween is on the way and I was thinking about skeletons. Yeah that’s weird I know. One of my first endeavors into the fantasy genre came back in the 70’s. I lived in Garland Texas for the first tens years of my life and we...
What does Darth Vader Eat?

What does Darth Vader Eat?

A text from bro. I received a text from my brother, and it read thus: “I guess my mind operates a little strangely. But when he’s not chasing Hobbits, stabbing them with blades, or leading an army to raze weakened cities and commit genocide, what does the...